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The Former Top 1's Sub-Character Training Diary: A Dedicated Player is Currently Conquering Another World!
元・世界1位のサブキャラ育成日記 ~廃プレイヤー、異世界を攻略中!~ / Moto Sekai 1-i no Sub-Chara Ikusei Nikki: Hai Player, Isekai wo Kouryakuchuu! / Moto Sekai Ichi'i Subchara Ikusei Nikki: Hai Player, Isekai wo Kouryakuchuu!
SAWAMURA Harutarou
3108Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Harem,Slice of Life
Eiyuuou, Bu wo Kiwameru Tame Tenseisu: Soshite, Sekai Saikyou no Minarai Kishi♀
英雄王、武を極めるため転生す ~そして、世界最強の見習い騎士♀~ / The King of Heroes reincarnates to polish his skill to the limit and becomes the strongest knight in training in the world♀
Comic Fire / Hayaken / ハヤケン / Moto Kuromura / くろむら 基人
19🇯🇵Action,Fantasy,Gender Bender,Adventure,Comedy,Reincarnation
Dungeon Builder: The Demon King’s Labyrinth is a Modern City!
Demon Kings Town Planning! ~The Strongest Dungeon is a Modern City~ / Maou-sama no Machizukuri! Saikyou no Dungeon wa Kindai Toshi / Maou-sama no Machizukuri! ~Saikyou no Dungeon wa Kindai Toshi~ / 魔王様の街づくり!~最強のダンジョンは近代都市~ / Demon Kings Urban Development! ~The Strongest Dungeon is a Modern City~ / Maou-sama no Machizukuri! ~Saikyou no Danjon wa Kindai Toshi~
rui tsukiyo / hideaki yoshikawa
I Was Dismissed from the Hero’s Party Because They Don't Need My Training Skills, so I Strengthened My "Fief" Which I Got as a Replacement for My Retirement Money
From Leveling Up the Hero to Leveling Up a Nation / 育成スキルはもういらないと勇者パーティを解雇されたので、退職金がわりにもらった【領地】を強くしてみる / Ikusei Skill wa Mou Iranai to Yuusha Party wo Kaikosareta node, Taishoku Kingawari ni Moratta "Ryouchi" wo Tsuyoku shitemiru
Yoshiyuki Takahashi / たかはし 慶行 / Kurooji / 黒おーじ / Kuro Oujo / Kuroji / Manga UP!
Striving For The Luxury Liner!! ~Get That Rich Isekai Life With A Ship Summoning Skill~
Mezase Gouka Kyakusen
Tamutamu / Zazaron Anan
415Ecchi,Action,Adventure,Slice of Life
Clever Cleaning Life Of The Returned Genius Hunter
Clever Cleaning Life Of The Returned Genius Hunter / 회귀한 천재 헌터의 슬기로운 청소생활 / The Sagacious Cleaning Life of a Returned Genius Hunter / Мудрая уборка жизни вернувшегося охотника за гениями
Moonbeat (달비트) / GoilGoil (고일고일)
4170🇰🇷Webtoon,Reincarnation,Time Travel,Monsters,Action,Adventure,Drama,Fantasy,Adaptation,Full Color
Only I Know the World Is Ending And Getting Killed by Rampaging Beasts Only Makes Me Stronger
Only I Know That the World Will End. / Only I Know That the World Will End ~ In a World Where Monsters Appear, I Level Up by Returning From Death / Kono Sekai ga Izure Horobu Koto o, Ore dake ga Shitte Iru - Monster ga Arawareta Sekai de, Shi ni Modori Level Up / この世界がいずれ滅ぶことを、俺だけが知っている~モンスターが現れた世界で、死に戻りレベルアップ~
Shigeru Haijima / Tsubasa / Ryuta Fuse
211.5K🇯🇵Manga,Action,Survival,Post-Apocalyptic,Isekai,Horror,Fantasy,Mystery,Adaptation,Time Travel,Monsters,Demons,Magic,Drama
Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life ~Daini no Shokugyou wo Ete, Sekai Saikyou ni Narimashita~
La vie d'un sage réincarné dans un autre monde : Obtenir une seconde profession et devenir le plus fort de ce monde / Life as a Reincarnated Sage in Another World ~Gaining a Second Profession and Becoming the Strongest in the World~ / My Isekai Life: I Gained a Second Character Class and Became the Strongest Sage in the World! / Tensei Kenja no Isekai Life / Tensei Kenja no Isekai Raifu / Жизнь перерождённого мудреца в другом мире. Получение второй профессии и становление сильнейшим / 転生賢者の異世界ライフ~第二の職業を得て、世界最強になりました~ / 전생현자의 이세계 라이프 ~제2의 직업을 얻어 세계최강이 되었습니다~
Shinkou Shotou / Ponjea
After Signing In For 30 Days, I Can Annihilate Stars
Maou-sama no Machizukuri!: Saikyou no Dungeon wa Kindai Toshi
魔王様の街づくり!~最強のダンジョンは近代都市~ / The devil is making city, Demon King's Town Planning! The Strongest Dungeon is a Modern City
Takahiro Tsurusaki / 鶴崎 貴大 / Rui Tsukiyo / 月夜 涙
Nageki no Bourei wa Intai Shitai - Saijiyaku Hanta ni Yoru Saikiyou Patei Ikusei Jutsu
O fantasma da lamentação quer se aposentar - A técnica mais forte de treinamento partidário pelos caçadores mais fracos / 嘆きの亡霊は引退したい / 嘆きの亡霊は引退したい~最弱ハンターによる最強パーティ育成術~ / The Wailing Ghost Retired ~Strongest Party Training Technique by the Weakest Hunter~
tsukikage / rai hebino
Maougun Saikyou no Majutsushi wa Ningen datta
魔王軍最強の魔術師は人間だった / The Maou Army's Strongest Magician Was a Human
Ryousuke Hata / 羽田 遼亮 / Anajiro / アナジロ / Monster Comics
Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World
キミと僕の最後の戦場、あるいは世界が始まる聖戦 / The Last Battlefield Between You and I, or Perhaps the Beginning of the World's Holy War
Kei Sazane / 細音 啓 / Ao Nekonabe / 猫鍋 蒼
It's Fun Having a 300,000 Yen a Month Job Welcoming Home an Onee-san Who Doesn't Find Meaning in a Job That Pays Her 500,000 Yen a Month
I’m Being Paid ¥ 300,000 a Month to Say ‘Okaeri, Kyo MO Ganbatta NE’ to a Hardworking Neighbor Oneesan Who Earns ¥500,000 a Month but Doesn’t Have a Use for the Money, Which Is Really Fun / It's My Work That I Say to Her, "Okaeri" / Tsuki 50 Man Moratte mo Ikigai no Nai Tonari no Onēsan ni 30 Man de Yatowa Rete `Okaeri. Kyō mo Ganbatta ne’ tte Iu Oshigoto ga Totemo Tanoshī / Tsuki 50-man moratte mo Ikigai no nai Tonari no Onee-san ni 30-man de Yatowarete "Okaeri" tte Iu Oshigoto ga Tanoshii / With a Pay of 300,000 Yen Per Month, I Was Hired to Do the Fun Job of Saying, "Welcome Back," to the Onee-san Next Door Who Has No Use for a Monthly Salary of 500,000 Yen / 月50万もらっても生き甲斐のない隣のお姉さんに30万で雇われて「おかえり」って言うお仕事が楽しい / 每月领着50万月薪也觉得没有意义的邻居OL,用30万雇佣了我让我每天和她说“欢迎回来
Kiwadoi Shouri / Noji Takanichi
229🇯🇵Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Youjo Musou: Nakama ni Uragirareta Shoukanshi, Mazoku no Oujo ni Natte "Eirei Shoukan" de Dekiai Slow Life wo Okuru
Youjo Musou: Nakama ni Uragirareta Shoukanshi, Mazoku no Oujo ni Natte "Eirei Shoukan" de Dekiai Slow Life wo Okuru / 幼女無双 ~仲間に裏切られた召喚師、魔族の幼女になって【英霊召喚】で溺愛スローライフを送る~ / Little Girl Musou / Unparalleled Little Girl ~ A Summoner Betrayed by Friends、Become a Demon Little Girl、And Live a Doting Slow Life with【Summoning of the Spirits】~
yocco / Yoshioka Sakaki
358🇯🇵Reincarnation,Demons,Adventure,Magic,Isekai,Fantasy,Villainess,Slice of Life,Adaptation
Isekai Gaeri no Moto Yuusha Desuga, Death Game ni Makikomare Mashita
Isekai Gaeri no Moto Yuusha Desuga, Death Game ni Makikomare Mashita / A Former Hero Returning From Another World Gets Involved in a Death Game / Isekai Kaeri no Moto Yuusha desuga, Death Game ni Makikomaremashita / 異世界帰りの元勇者ですが、デスゲームに巻き込まれました / Isekai Kaeri no Moto Yuusha Desu Ga, Death Game ni Makikomaremashita
Sorachi Daidai / Kuroyama Mekki
438🇯🇵Comedy,Isekai,School Life,Horror,Fantasy,Supernatural,Death Game
Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen
Our War that Ends the World, or Perhaps the Crusade that Starts it Anew / The Last Battlefield Between You and I, or Perhaps the Beginning of the World's Holy War / the War ends the world / raises the world / キミと僕の最後の戦場、あるいは世界が始まる聖戦
sazane kei / kimi to boku no saigo no senjou, arui wa sekai ga hajimaru seisen 37 / okama
Class no Bocchi Gal wo Omochikaeri Shite Seisokei Bijin ni Shite Yatta Hanashi
Class no Bocchi Gal wo Omochikaeri Shite Seisokei Bijin ni Shite Yatta Hanashi / クラスのぼっちギャルをお持ち帰りして清楚系美人にしてやった話 / A Story Of Taking Home A Lonely Gal From My Class And Turning Her Into An Elegant Beauty
Yuzumoto Haruto / Magako
16🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,Drama,Slice of Life,Adaptation
Shounin Yuusha wa Isekai wo Gyuujiru!
O Herói Mercador Assume o Controle do Outro Mundo! ~A Habilidade de Cultivo crescerá qualquer coisa!~ / Pahlawan Pedagang Menguasai Dunia Lain! ~ Skill Pengembangan Akan Meningkatkan Apapun! ~ / Shonin Yusha / Shounin Yuusha wa Isekai o Gyuujiru! ~Saibai Skill de Nandemo Fuyashi Chaimasu!~ / Shounin Yuusha wa Isekai wo Gyuujiru! ~Saibai Skill de Nandemo Fuyashi Chaimasu!~ / The Merchant Hero takes Control of Another World! ~The Cultivation Skill will increase anything!~ / 商人勇者は異世界を牛耳る! ~栽培スキルでなんでも増やしちゃいます~ / 상인용사는 이세계를 좌지우지한다! ~재배스킬로 무엇이든 늘려버립니다~
Juuichiya Sui / Sagami Akira
Outcast Adventurer's Second Chance ~Training in the Fairy World to Forge a Place to Belong~
Outcast Adventurer's Second Chance ~Training in the Fairy World to Forge a Place to Belong~ / 追放冒険者のやりなおし ~妖精界で鍛えなおして自分の居場所をつくる~ / Tsuihou Bokensha no Yarinaoshi ~Yousei-kai de Kitae Naoshite Jibun no Ibasho wo Tsukuru~
Shimotsuki Hyouka / Utagawa Uta
Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon: Kossori Kitaete Sekai Saikyou
俺だけ入れる隠しダンジョン ~こっそり鍛えて世界最強~ / Special training in the Secret Dungeon!
Suiyoubi no Sirius / Tomoyuki Hino / 樋野 友行 / Meguru Seto / 瀬戸 メグル
Save & Load no Dekiru Yadoya-San
The Inn Where You Can Save and Load ~ It Seems an OP Reincarnator Has Begun Training Newcomers at an Inn ~ / セーブ&ロードのできる宿屋さん 〜カンスト転生者が宿屋で新人育成を始めたそうです〜
ryuu inari / itsuwa katou / save & load no dekiru yadoya-san 17
Transmigrating to the Otherworld Once More
Transmigrating to the Otherworld Once More / 이계진입 리로디드 / Войдите в потусторонний мир с перезагрузкой / Returning to the Otherworld Once More / Transmigrating to the Otherworld Again / Reloaded To The Otherworld
Cha Woo Min (차우민) / YKB (임경배) / Chochoske (쵸쵸)
7178🇰🇷Webtoon,Monsters,Action,Adventure,Magic,Isekai,Drama,Fantasy,Adaptation,Full Color,Harem
I decided not to pretend I don't see it anymore
No More Turning a Blind Eye / Can't Pretend to Be Blind Anymore / Decidí dejar de fingir que no lo veo / I Can No Longer Pretend I Don't See It / I Decided Not to Pretend I Don't See It Anymore (Indonesian) / Ouvre les yeux ! / Дахин Мэдээгүй Юм Шиг Жүжиглэж Чадахгүй / Я больше не стану притворяться, что ничего не замечаю / เคาน์เตสคนนี้จะไม่แกล้งโง่อีกแล้ว / もう見て見ぬふりはしない / 我不會再視而不見 / 重生后,伯爵夫人要离婚! / 더 는 못 본척 하지 않기로 했다 / 더는 못 본 척하지 않기로 했다
율비 작가님 / Dama
638🇰🇷Webtoon,Reincarnation,Historical,Romance,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
Ningen Dakedo Maougun Shitennnou ni Sodaterareta Ore wa, Maou no Musume ni Aisare Shihaizokusei no Kennnou wo Ataeraremashita
I’m Just a Human but I Was Raised by the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army. The Demon King’s Daughter Loved Me and Bestowed Me the Authority to Rule Over All Attributes. / I’m Just a Human but Was Raised by the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Lord's Army; the Demon Lord's Daughter Loves Me and Bestowed Upon Me the Authority to Rule Over All Attributes / Ningen Dakedo Maogun Shitenno ni Sodaterareta Ore wa Mao no Musume ni Aisare Shihai Zokusei no Kenno o Ataeraremashita / Ningen Dakedo Maougun Shitennnou ni Sodaterareta Ore wa, Maou no Musume ni Aisare Shihaizokusei no Kennnou wo Ataeraremashita ~The Guardian of Princess~ / 人間だけど魔王軍四天王に育てられた俺は、魔王の娘に愛され支配属性の権能を与えられました。 / 人間だけど魔王軍四天王に育てられた俺は、魔王の娘に愛され支配属性の権能を与えられました。~The Guardian of Princess~
hidari ryu / kajiki sui
2The Ten Great Emperors At The Beginning Are All My Apprentices
Ningen Fushin no Boukensha-tachi ga Sekai wo Sukuu you desu
人間不信の冒険者たちが世界を救うようです / Adventurers Who Don't Believe in Humanity Will Save The World
ComicWalker / Masaki Kawakami / 川上 真樹 / Shinta Fuji / 富士 伸太
218🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Fantasy,Drama,Magic,Monster Girls
When I Tried Strengthening 【Rusted Sword】, It Evolved Into An Overpowered Magic Sword
"Sabitsuita Ken" wo Tameshi ni Kyoukashite Mitara, Tondemonai Maken ni Bakemashita / 【さびついた剣】を試しに強化してみたら、とんでもない魔剣に化けました
HASEGAWA Shunya / MANNO Mizuki
The Start of a Stunning and Feisty Master: A System with Ten Pounds of Rebellion
The Start of a Stunning and Feisty Master: A System with Ten Pounds of Rebellion / 开局绝色俏师父:系统十斤反骨 / Kaiju Juese Qiao Shifu Xitong Shi Jin Fan Gu
3100🇨🇳Webtoon,Action,Comedy,Fantasy,Full Color,Harem
100,000 Levels of Body Refining : All the dogs I raise are the Emperor
three realms animation
5117🇨🇳Manhua,Webtoon,Cultivation,Full Color,Harem
The Exiled Prince of Auto-Crafting
The Reincarnated Useless Prince Exiled to the Land of Death, Creates the Strongest Village by Expanding his Territory at Lightning Speed with the Skill Auto Craft: Starting a Leisurely Life of Territory Development with the Strongest Craft Skill / Tsuihou Sareta Tensei Ouji, "Auto Craft" Skill de Ryouchi o Bakusoku de Kaitakushi Saikyou no Mura o Tsukutte Shimau: Saikyou Crafting Skill de Hajimeru, Rakuraku Ryouchi Kaitaku Slow Life / Tsuihou Sareta Tensei Ouji, "Jidou Seisaku" Skill de Ryouchi o Bakusoku de Kaitakushi Saikyou no Mura o Tsukutte Shimau: Saikyou Crafting Skill de Hajimeru, Rakuraku Ryouchi Kaitaku Slow Life / 追放された転生王子、『自動製作《オートクラフト》』スキルで領地を爆速で開拓し最強の村を作ってしまう 〜最強クラフトスキルで始める、楽々領地開拓スローライフ〜
Genkotsu Kumano / Daichi / Kururi
SSS-Rank Lone Summoner
SSS-Rank Lone Summoner / Zhi You Wo Neng Yong Zhao Huan Shu / Only I Can Use Summoning SSS-Rank Lone Summoner / The Lone SSS-Class Summoner / Zhǐ Yǒu Wǒ Néng Yòng Zhào Huàn Shù / 只有我能用召唤术
竹楼听细雨 / 三横一竖动漫
155🇨🇳Webtoon,Action,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color
Ore dake Haireru Kakushi Dungeon: Kossori Kitaete Sekai Saikyou
俺だけ入れる隠しダンジョン ~こっそり鍛えて世界最強~ / Special training in the Secret Dungeon / The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter
Meguru Seto / 瀬戸 メグル / Note Takehana / 竹花 ノート
Ore dake fuguu Skill no isekai shoukan hangyakuki - Saijaku Skill 'Kyuushuu' ga subete o nomikomu made
Ore dake fuguu Skill no isekai shoukan hangyakuki - Saijaku Skill 'Kyuushuu' ga subete o nomikomu made / 俺だけ不遇スキルの異世界召喚叛逆記~最弱スキル【吸収】が全てを飲み込むまで~ / I'm the only one with unfavorable skills, Isekai Summoning Rebellion / I'm the Only One with a Failure of a Skill in Another World's Summoning Rebellion — Until the Weakest Skill [Absorption] Swallows Everything
Skyfarm / 高幡隆盛