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Binbougami ga!
貧乏神が! / Binboukami ga!, Binbou Kami ga!, The God of Poverty Is!, Kaette Kudasai.
Jump SQ. / Yoshiaki Sukeno / 助野 嘉昭
Shiroi Mado no Mukougawa
白い窓の向こう側 / Beyond the White Window, The other side of the white window, Mahou ni Kakatta Natsuyasumi
LaLa / Kyouko Hikawa / ひかわ きょうこ
Satougashi no Dangan wa Uchinukenai
砂糖菓子の弾丸は撃ちぬけない / 糖果子弹 / 糖果子彈 / A Lollipop or a Bullet / A Lollypop or a Bullet
Sakuraba Kazuki / Sugimoto Iqura
2Shounen(B),Drama,Psychological,School Life,Shoujo ai,Tragedy
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha
Maou Gakuin no Futekigousha: Shijou Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tensei shite Shison-tachi no Gakkou e Kayou / Maougakuin no Futekigousha / Orang yang tidak cocok dari Akademi Raja Iblis: Reinkarnasi Raja Iblis Terkuat dalam Sejarah dan Pergi ke Sekolah bersama Keturunannya / The Misfit of Demon King Academy: History's Strongest Demon King Reincarnates and Goes to School with His Descendants / The Unqualified Student at the Demon Lord Academy ~ The Strongest Demon Lord in History, the Founder, Reincarnates and Attends a School With His Descendants ~ / Непризнанный школой владыка демонов! – Сильнейший владыка демонов в истории поступает в академию, переродившись своим потомком / 魔王学院の不適合者 ~史上最強の魔王の始祖、転生して子孫たちの学校へ通う~
Shuu / Kaya Haruka
11🇯🇵Action,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Harem,Romance,School Life
Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm
蒼の彼方のフォーリズム / Four Rhythm Across the Blue, AoKana
Comp Ace / Hideyu Tougarashi / 唐辛子 ひでゆ / Hideyu Tohgarashi
Joshi Shougakusei no Oujosama
Comic Heaven / Hikari Fujisaki / 藤崎 ひかり / French letter
Akuma no Riddle
悪魔のリドル / Riddle Story of Devil
Newtype / Yun Kouga / 高河 ゆん / Sunao Minakata / 南方 純
🇯🇵Action,Shoujo ai,Death Game
After tormenting the Devil, I did not want to stand out, so I became a guild master
魔王討伐したあと、目立ちたくないのでギルドマスターになった / Maou Toubatsu shita Ato, Medachitakunai node Guild Master ni Natta
Dengeki Daioh / ROHGUN / Rougan / 老眼 / ろーがん / Touwa Akatsuki / 朱月 十話 / とーわ / Toowa
Shougakusei ga Mama demo Ii desu ka?
小学生がママでもいいですか? / Is it Alright if the Grade School Student is my Mother?
Shounen Sirius / Bow Ditama / ぢたま(某) / ぢたま 某 / Jitama (Bou)
A Lotus Flower in the Mud
泥中の蓮 / Deichuu no Hasu
Gougai onBLUE / Tamekou / ためこう / tmku
Oneesan wa Joshi Shougakusei ni Kyoumi ga Arimasu.
Ryouta Yuzuki / 柚木 涼太 / Manga Life STORIA Dash
39🇯🇵Ecchi,Comedy,Slice of Life,Loli,Shoujo ai
Torotoro no Koi
とろとろの恋 / Dorodoro to Koi, Koi ni Kakero, Momo to Iinchou, Shouganai Kimi, Syrupy Love
Linda Gyuunyuu / 牛乳 リンダ / Homura-ya★Pleiades / ほむら屋★プレアデス
The Love of Calendula
冬知らずの恋 / Fuyushirazu no Koi
Hiroko Natsuno / 夏野 寛子 / Gougai onBLUE
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Drama,Slice of Life
Komi Can't Communicate
古見さんは、コミュ症です。 / Komi-san wa, Comyushou desu. / Komi-san wa, Communication Shougai desu.
Shounen Sunday / Tomohito Oda / 小田 智仁 / オダ トモヒト
Garou Densetsu: Senritsu no Maougai
餓狼伝説~戦慄の魔王街~ / Fatal Fury: Senritsu no Maoh Machi
Comic Bonbon / Ken Ishikawa / 石川 賢
🇯🇵Action,Demons,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts,Supernatural
Dear, My God
Dear, MY GOD / Hanabanashi
Nemui Asada / 朝田 ねむい / Gougai onBLUE
Mimi Paradise
みみぱら / Mimipara, The Magic of Love, The Kitten That I Love, Far East Fairy Tale, Meow Meow Formula, It Was a Moonlit Night, A First Time for Everything, Discipline for Kittens, Cat and Mouse, Always stay by my side, The forest Bear's treasure, Summer Man Magic,
Dr. Ten / undefined Dr.天 / Ryuu Sugahara / すがはら 竜 / Kitsune Miyashita / 宮下 キツネ / Seika Hinata / 日向 星花 / Eri Kougami / 黄上 恵理 / Takao Natsumi / Masuko Tooyama / Tatsuyoshi / undefined たつよし
Naisho no Tsubomi
ないしょのつぼみ / Tsubomi's Secrets
Yuu Yabuuchi / やぶうち 優 / Shougaku Gonensei
🇯🇵Shoujo(G),Romance,Slice of Life
Arcana 02: Rebel and Phantom Thief
Zero-Sum Original Anthology Series Arcana 2 - Zoku ・ Kaitou / Arcana - Rebels and Phantom Thieves / Arcana 2 / Arcana - Zoku ・ Kaitou / Arcana - Rebel and Phantom Thief / Arcana 02 - Rebel and Phantom Thief / ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (2) [賊・怪盗] / Candy / "Such a Story" / Flies / Arabiana / The Ancient History of the Three Thieves / The Adventure of Captain Arco Iris / Skyhigh Tension / Mushroom and Kappa: Arcana compilation for thieves on business trips / The Lonely Mountain Robber / Lanekeeper / Moonlight Honey / The Unlucky Pirate / Strobo Rider / Moonlight Dance
arashi shindou / ayumi fujimura / ayun tachibana / guriko magami / haruka mazaki / kazuya minekura / kenta mizuhara / reo kouzuki / shinobu takayama / shouko tsutsumi / yaku haibara / yasuka asada / yun kouga / yuu fujiwara
Trans Trans
Young King OURs GH / Rouga Ruen / 龍炎 狼牙 / Takabiv / 高ビヴ / Takochiu / Asshu / Ruu Kikaku / 龍企画 / SXS
Touhou - Nisshoku Jougan (Doujinshi)
Touhou - Eclipse / Touhou - Nisshoku Jougan / Touhou dj - Eclipse / Touhou dj - Nisshoku Jougan
Arcana 04 - Vampire
ゼロサムオリジナルアンソロジーシリーズ Arcana (4) [吸血鬼] / Arcana 4 - Kyuuketsuki / Arcana - Vampire / Sleeping Vampire / Mushroom and Kappa / Crossing the River / The Aegis of the Coffin of Time / Forest of Nobility / Chiyo-sama! / The Catharsis of Truth / A Gentle Temperature
anthology / arashi shindou / azusa amamiya / bikke / guriko magami / igarashi ran / mame serikawa / miku inui / sakura kinoshita / shiki kayase / shinobu takayama / sora omote / tama yugyoji / yashirou saeki / yoshinori kisaragi / yun kouga
Nanoha Yougashiten no Ii Shigoto
なのは洋菓子店のいい仕事 / A Great Job at Nanoha Western Sweets Shop
Shounen Sunday / Tamiki Wakaki / 若木 民喜
The Other Side of Secret
シークレットの向こう側 / Secret no Mukougawa
Comic Alive / Hideaki Yoshikawa / 吉川 英朗
Sporting Salt: Shioya no Kaibougaku
Sporting Salt -塩谷の解剖学- / Instant Heroes
Shounen Jump / Yuuto Kubota / 久保田 ゆうと
Okusama wa Shougakusei
奥サマは小学生 / My Wife Is an Elementary Student
Seiji Matsuyama / 松山 せいじ / Champion RED Ichigo
Maougakuin no Futekigousha
Maoh Gakuin no Futekigousha / Maougakuin no Futekigousha ~Shijo Saikyou no Maou no Shiso, Tenseishite Shison-tachi no Gakkou he Kayou~ / 魔王学院の不適合者 ~史上最強の魔王の始祖、転生して子孫たちの学校へ通う~
aki (秋) / kayaharuka / maougakuin no futekigousha 16 / shizuma yoshinori
3-bansen no Campanella
3番線のカンパネルラ / While being seen off by Campanella.
Atsuki Kyouyama / 京山 あつき / Gougai onBLUE
The Reality of Coeducational Highschool
共学高校のゲンジツ / Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu
Gekkan! Spirits / Sumihito Itami / 伊丹 澄一 / Yuu Sanui / さぬい ゆう
6🇯🇵Seinen(M),Comedy,Slice of Life
Monte Carlo no Ame
モンテカルロの雨 / The Rain in Monte Carlo
Haruko Kumota / 雲田 はるこ / Gougai onBLUE
🇯🇵Shounen ai