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Suiren is Here
森山大輔短編集 ここにいる睡蓮 / Koko ni Iru Suiren / Koko ni Iru Sui-ren, Suiren is Here, Sui-Ren is Here, Alice in Cyberland, Mother's Guardian
Daisuke Moriyama / 森山 大輔
Anjuu no Chi
安住の地 / Land of Peace
Ikki / Naoki Yamamoto / 山本 直樹 / Moriyama Tou / Touyama Mori
The Enchantress's Kitty
森山大輔短編集 魔法医猫といばら姫 / Mahoui Neko to Ibarahime / Mahou Ineko to IbarahimeMahoui Neko to Glass no KutsushitaChouritsushiPlanet BlueThe Magical Cat Doctor & the Princess of ThornsMoriyama Daisuke Tanpenshuu
Dengeki Daioh / Daisuke Moriyama / 森山 大輔
🇯🇵Fantasy,Shoujo ai
Mousou Kikou: Adolescence Avatar
妄想奇行 Adolescence Avatar
Daisuke Moriyama / 森山 大輔 / Dengeki Daioh Genesis
🇯🇵Shounen(B),Comedy,Fantasy,Gender Bender
4-koma Manga Oukoku: Rockman X7
ROCKMANX7 4コマまんが王国 / Mega Man X7 4-panel Manga Kingdom
ÖYSTER / Oyster / Hisato Makihara / 牧原 ひさと / Sumomo KPA / 李KPA / Ippo Moriyama / 森山 一保
Macross Plus: TAC Name
マクロスプラス‐タックネーム‐ / Macross Plus: Tacname
Naoki Moriya / 守屋 直樹 / U.G.E / うげっぱ / Ugeppa
Moriyamachuu Kyoushuujo
森山中教習所 / Moriyamachuu Driving School, Moriyama-chuu Kyoushuujo,
Gekkan! Spirits / Keigo Shinzou / 真造 圭伍
Soloist in A Cage
檻ノ中のソリスト / Ori no Naka no Soloist / Ori no Naka no Soliste, Soloist of the Prison
Shounen Jump+ / Shiro Moriya / 森屋 シロ
Persona 3 Portable Comic Anthology
ペルソナ3ポータブルコミックアンソロジー / P3P Comic Anthology
aoba hayato / chitose asahi / fujino nyoromi / hidaka fuuro / hisao / mizugaki tama / moriyama karin / nagao uka / persona 3 portable comic anthology 5
Persona 3 4koma Gag Battle Broken Hen
ペルソナ3 4コマギャグバトル ブロークン編
anthology / aoba hayato / arii memeko / futaba hazuki / hayase reku / inuyama masato / itsuki makoto / kawata yuuko / mikawa ver / mitsuhashi takashi / mochizuki kazuomi / moriyama karin / munetaka / noda barusu / sumino hirune / taihei hiromi / teragane hibiki / ume ichi / zenigata taimu
Persona 3 FES April 1st Hen 4Koma Gag Battle
aoba hayato / arii memeko / futaba hazuki / hayase reku / inuyama masato / itsuki makoto / kawata yuuko / mitsuhashi takashi / mochizuki kazuomi / moriyama karin / mune taka / taihei hiromi / terakane hibiki / tonami
Pretty Rhythm Rainbow Live - The one who loves Naru the most is... (Doujinshi)
[Moriyashiki (Moriya)] Naru no koto ga 1-ban Suki na no wa | The one who loves Naru the most is... (KING OF PRISM by PrettyRhythm) / [もりやしき (守屋)] なるのことが1番好きなのは (キング・オブ・プリズム バイ プリティーリズム)
moriya / moriyashiki
Chrno Crusade
Moriyama Daisuke
Fate/Grand Order SABER WARS II Extra Edition: Jane & Ishtar ~ Shooting Star of 1 Million Light Years ~
Fate/Grand Order SABER WARS II Extra Edition: Jane & Ishtar ~ Shooting Star of 1 Million Light Years ~ / Fate/Grand Order SABER WARS Ⅱ 番外編 ジェーン&イシュタル~100万光年の流れ星~ / Fate/Grand Order: Saber Wars II Bangai-hen - Jane & Ishtar: 100-man Kounen no Nagareboshi
TYPE-MOON / Moriyama Daisuke
Mahou Ineko to Ibarahime
Mahou Ineko to Ibarahime / Mahou Ineko to Ibara Hime / The Magical Cat Doctor & the Princess of Thorns / 魔法医猫といばら姫 / A doutora gata mágica e a princesa dos espinhos
Moriyama Daisuke
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Sci-Fi,Comedy,School Life,Fantasy,Supernatural,Mystery
Touhou - Moriya no Kaden, Yoi Kaden? (Doujinshi)
Touhou - Moriya no Kaden, Yoi Kaden? (Doujinshi) / Touhou - 守矢の家電、よい家電? (Doujinshi) / Touhou - Are Moriya Electronics, Good Electronics? (Doujinshi)
Kanmiya Kelun