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17-sai Hajimete no H
17-sai Hajimete no H / 17岁第一次的H / 17歲第一次的H / 17歳 初めてのH / First Sexual Experience at Age 17 / 17 First H Manga / Yekemîn Serpêhatiya Cinsî di 17 saliya xwe de (Kurdish) / Первый сексуальный опыт в 17 лет / Семнадцать лет: Первый секс / أول تجربة جنسية في سن 17 / اولین تجربه جنسی در سن 17 سالگی / ประสบการณ์ทางเพศครั้งแรกตอนอายุ 17
Shigano Iori / Shinjo Mayu / Sakurai Miya / Masuzaki Yoshino / Kanan Minami / Ayukawa Mio / Kousaka Yuuka
🇯🇵Romance,Anthology,Incest,Drama,School Life
Oyasumi Darling
おやすみダーリン / To Become Happy, goodnight darling
Wada Mayuko
The mentor and the new employee who gradually change each other.
The mentor and the new employee who gradually change each other. / Otagai sukoshi zutsu kawatteiku kyouikugakari to shinnyuushain. / お互い少しずつ変わっていく教育係と新入社員
Kato Mayumi
35🇯🇵Romance,Office Workers
My Darling! Miss Bancho
あぁ愛しの番長さま / Ah! Itoshi no Banchou-sama / Dear School Gang Leader, Sugoi?, Home Run Ring
LaLa / Mayu Fujikata / 藤方 まゆ
Kimi no Na wa fanmade manga from @katomayumi
Your Name fanmade manga from @katomayumi
@katomayumi /
Sensual Phrase
快感♥フレーズ / Kaikan♥Phrase / Ecstasy Phrase
Sho-Comi / Mayu Shinjou / 新條 まゆ / Liliental Shinjou / Mayu Shinjyou / Mayu Shinozaki / Maaru Shinozaki / Maru Toriyama
シュガー*ソルジャー / Hapi★Supi
Ribon Magazine / Mayu Sakai / 酒井 まゆ
Elemental Gelade
EREMENTAR GERAD / Erementar Gerad / Erementar Gerade
Mayumi Azuma / 東 まゆみ / Comic Blade
Love♡Training: Renai Taishitsu Kaizen Kouza
ラブ♡トレ ~恋愛体質改善講座~
Petit Comic / Mayumi Yokoyama / 横山 真由美
#B ga L suru 4 Page Anthology ~Sono Toki Boku wa, Koi wo Shita!~
#B ga L suru 4 Page Anthology ~Sono Toki Boku wa, Koi wo Shita!~ / #(B)oys fall in (L)ove: 4-page Anthology ~At that moment, I fell in love!~ / BがLする 4ページアンソロジー ~そのとき僕は、恋をした!~
Binzoko Keima / Kuroe S-suke / Uma Aguri / Mitsuboshi Tama / Yuuki Niko / Akiwo / Kuroi Morry / Sonoda Yuri / Parari / Katou Mayumi / Yuugi / Hara Yuriko / Akasaka / Shimajirou / Yamada / Iguchi Byouin / Hino Akira / Terai Akane / Suzuri Machi / Dayoo / Rakuta Shouko / Tsubada Eki / Miyata Toworu / Kumota Haruko / Fukasawa Neji / Bimita / Kurahashi Tomo
🇯🇵Romance,Comedy,Anthology,School Life
K-ON! Story Anthology Comic
hamayumiba sou / k-on! story anthology comic 31
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Slice of Life,School Life,Comedy,Anthology,Music
Oshiete Poruno
Oshiete Poruno / おしえてポルノ / Teach Me the Art of Erotica
Sakurai Mayu
Furendoriina toritate-ya-san
Furendoriina toritate-ya-san / Friendly Debt Collectors
Mayu Kitami / Loki Chicken
🇯🇵Comedy,Office Workers,Slice of Life,Adaptation
Yurufuwa-kun Niwa Wake ga Aru
Yurufuwa-kun Niwa Wake ga Aru / ゆるふわくんにはワケがある
Sorairo Square.
空色スクエア。 / Sky Blue Square
Manga Time Kirara Forward / Sou Hamayumiba / 浜弓場 双 / Sekitou / 赤橙
Looking for an Idol
Looking for an Idol / Find an idol / アイドルを探せ / Idol wo sagase
Mayumi Yoshida
🇯🇵Romance,Drama,Slice of Life
Koi Wa Amaagari No You Ni
恋は雨上がりのように (Japanese) / Koi wa Ameagari no You ni / Love is Like after the Rain (English) / Tình Yêu Như Bầu Trời Sau Cơn Mưa (Vietnamese - Tiếng Việt - TV)
Mayuzuki Jun
Seinen(M),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Mata Ashita (Mayu Murata)
See you tomorrow. / またあした / 明天也要戀愛 / 明天见 / またあした (村田真優)
Mayu Murata
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life
覇王♥愛人 / Honey Honey Boy: He Is a Sweet Temptation, Kare wa Amai Yuuwaku
Sho-Comi / Mayu Shinjou / 新條 まゆ / Liliental Shinjou / Mayu Shinjyou / Mayu Shinozaki / Maaru Shinozaki / Maru Toriyama
Love Strip
Pure Love Strip / Doku no Hana / The Poisonous Flower / 純愛ストリップ / Junai Strip
mayu shinjou
Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,School Life,Drama
Jimi-hime to Kuroneko no, Enman na Konyaku Haki
地味姫と黒猫の、円満な婚約破棄 / The Plain Princess and the Black Cat's Amicable Engagement Annulment
Manga Gaugau / Rino Mayumi / 真弓 りの / Asana Haine / 灰音 アサナ
🇯🇵Fantasy,Romance,Slice of Life
The Skinny Girl and The Chubby Boy
The Lanky Girl and the Thicc Boi / The Sticc Girl and the Thicc Boi / Yasefuto / Yaseppochi to Futoccho / やせっぽちとふとっちょ / やせふと
kato mayumi
3Doujinshi,Shoujo(G),Comedy,Romance,Slice of Life
Crest of the Stars
星界の紋章 / Seikai no Monshou
Hiroyuki Morioka / 森岡 浩之 / Toshihiro Ono / 小野 敏洋 / グルマン 笹塚 / Gourmand Sasazuka / ジンバブエ 伊東 / Zimbabwe Eitou / 鈴木 柾道 / Masamichi Suzuki / さいとう まゆり / Mayuri Saitou / 上連雀 三平 / Sanpei Kamirenjaku
Motto Oshiete♡
もっと教えて♡ / A Boy's Suggestion, Shounen no Susume, Lewd Melody, Obscene Fingers, Midara na Senritsu, Hiwai na Yubisaki, Teach Me More & More - How the Wolf Feels, Motto Motto Oshiete - Ookami no Kimochi, A Tale of Happier Times
Sho-Comi / Mayu Shinjou / 新條 まゆ / Liliental Shinjou / Mayu Shinjyou / Mayu Shinozaki / Maaru Shinozaki / Maru Toriyama
Karera wa Yoru ka Ame no Naka
彼等は夜か雨の中 / Ame ni mo Mayowanai, Ame Nimo Mayuwanai, Even in the Rain, My Love Won't be Lost
Rie Honjou / 本庄 りえ / Magazine Be x Boy
🇯🇵Yaoi(BL),Drama,Romance,Shounen ai
Houkago Karte
放課後カルテ / Afterschool medical records
Be-Love / Mayu Hinase / 日生 マユ
🇯🇵Josei(W),Drama,Slice of Life
Bijinzaka Private Girls High School
私立!美人坂女子高校 / Shiritsu! Bijinzaka Joshi Koukou
Betsucomi / Mayumi Yokoyama / 横山 真由美
Mermaid Line
マーメイドライン / Megumi and Aoi, Ayumi and Aika, Yukari and Mayuko, Girl * Girl, Miura-san and Me
Renjuurou Kindaichi / 金田一 蓮十郎 / Comic Yuri Hime
🇯🇵Yuri(GL),Drama,Romance,Gender Bender
I Love High School
I ♥ HS / I Love High School, I Love HS, I♥HS
Betsucomi / Mayumi Yokoyama / 横山 真由美
Ai wa Karada de Kataru Mono
愛はカラダで語るもの / Esprimo un amore con il mio corpo
June Comics / Mayuri Tsukihara
I Don't Know What I Don't Know
Toshihiro Ono / 小野 敏洋 / グルマン 笹塚 / Gourmand Sasazuka / ジンバブエ 伊東 / Zimbabwe Eitou / 鈴木 柾道 / Masamichi Suzuki / さいとう まゆり / Mayuri Saitou / 上連雀 三平 / Sanpei Kamirenjaku